流れとしては、「Pushボタン -> EZ-USB -> USB -> 計算機」となります。
「EZ-USB FX2」のマトリックスキーボードのプログラムを参考にさせて頂きました。
- WindowsXP Professional SP3
- MINI EZ-USB(AN2131SC)ver.2.0
- http://strawberry-linux.com
- http://optimize.ath.cx/index.html
- Keil uVision
- EZ-USB_devtools_version_261700.zip
- http://www.cypress.com/
EZ-USB FX2 の IO Ports
CY7C68013仕様書(cy7c68013.pdf) P.14~28からを参照。
- OEx → 入力(OEx=0)、出力(OEx=1)を切り替える。
- IOx → 出力する値をレジスタに書き込む。
created by Rinker
(2025/02/10 08:20:49時点 楽天市場調べ-詳細)
Port Cを初期設定で入力にして、ループの中で順次出力に変更する。
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // File: fw.c // Contents: Firmware frameworks task dispatcher and device request parser // source. // // Copyright (c) 2001 Cypress Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <ezusb.h> #include <ezregs.h> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Random Macros //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b)) #define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b)) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define DELAY_COUNT 0x9248*8L // Delay for 8 sec at 24Mhz, 4 sec at 48 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global Variables //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- volatile BOOL GotSUD; BOOL Rwuen; BOOL Selfpwr; volatile BOOL Sleep; // Sleep mode enable flag WORD pDeviceDscr; // Pointer to Device Descriptor; Descriptors may be moved WORD pConfigDscr; WORD pStringDscr; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prototypes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void SetupCommand(void); void TD_Init(void); void TD_Poll(void); BOOL TD_Suspend(void); BOOL TD_Resume(void); BOOL DR_GetDescriptor(void); BOOL DR_SetConfiguration(void); BOOL DR_GetConfiguration(void); BOOL DR_SetInterface(void); BOOL DR_GetInterface(void); BOOL DR_GetStatus(void); BOOL DR_ClearFeature(void); BOOL DR_SetFeature(void); BOOL DR_VendorCmnd(void); BOOL DR_ClassRequest(void); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Code //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Task dispatcher void main(void) { DWORD i; WORD offset; DWORD DevDescrLen; DWORD j=0; WORD IntDescrAddr; WORD ExtDescrAddr; // Initialize Global States Sleep = FALSE; // Disable sleep mode Rwuen = FALSE; // Disable remote wakeup Selfpwr = FALSE; // Disable self powered GotSUD = FALSE; // Clear "Got setup data" flag // Initialize user device TD_Init(); // The following section of code is used to relocate the descriptor table. // Since the SUDPTRH and SUDPTRL are assigned the address of the descriptor // table, the descriptor table must be located in on-part memory. // The 4K demo tools locate all code sections in external memory. // The descriptor table is relocated by the frameworks ONLY if it is found // to be located in external memory. pDeviceDscr = (WORD)&DeviceDscr; pConfigDscr = (WORD)&ConfigDscr; pStringDscr = (WORD)&StringDscr; if ((WORD)&DeviceDscr & 0xe000) { IntDescrAddr = INTERNAL_DSCR_ADDR; ExtDescrAddr = (WORD)&DeviceDscr; DevDescrLen = (WORD)&UserDscr - (WORD)&DeviceDscr + 2; for (i = 0; i < DevDescrLen; i++) *((BYTE xdata *)IntDescrAddr+i) = 0xCD; for (i = 0; i < DevDescrLen; i++) *((BYTE xdata *)IntDescrAddr+i) = *((BYTE xdata *)ExtDescrAddr+i); pDeviceDscr = IntDescrAddr; offset = (WORD)&DeviceDscr - INTERNAL_DSCR_ADDR; pConfigDscr -= offset; pStringDscr -= offset; } EZUSB_IRQ_ENABLE(); // Enable USB interrupt (INT2) EZUSB_ENABLE_RSMIRQ(); // Wake-up interrupt // The 8051 is responsible for all USB events, even those that have happened // before this point. We cannot ignore pending USB interrupts. // The chip will come out of reset with the flags all cleared. // USBIRQ = 0xff; // Clear any pending USB interrupt requests PORTCCFG |= 0xc0; // Turn on r/w lines for external memory USBBAV = USBBAV | 1 & ~bmBREAK; // Disable breakpoints and autovectoring USBIEN |= bmSUDAV | bmSUTOK | bmSUSP | bmURES; // Enable selected interrupts EA = 1; // Enable 8051 interrupts #ifndef NO_RENUM // Note: at full speed, high speed hosts may take 5 sec to detect device EZUSB_Discon(TRUE); // Renumerate #endif CKCON = (CKCON&(~bmSTRETCH)) | FW_STRETCH_VALUE; // Set stretch to 0 (after renumeration) // Task Dispatcher while(TRUE) // Main Loop { if(GotSUD) // Wait for SUDAV { SetupCommand(); // Implement setup command GotSUD = FALSE; // Clear SUDAV flag } // Poll User Device // NOTE: Idle mode stops the processor clock. There are only two // ways out of idle mode, the WAKEUP pin, and detection of the USB // resume state on the USB bus. The timers will stop and the // processor will not wake up on any other interrupts. if (Sleep) { if(TD_Suspend()) { Sleep = FALSE; // Clear the "go to sleep" flag. Do it here to prevent any race condition between wakeup and the next sleep. do { EZUSB_Susp(); // Place processor in idle mode. } while(!Rwuen && EZUSB_EXTWAKEUP()); // Must continue to go back into suspend if the host has disabled remote wakeup // *and* the wakeup was caused by the external wakeup pin. // 8051 activity will resume here due to USB bus or Wakeup# pin activity. EZUSB_Resume(); // If source is the Wakeup# pin, signal the host to Resume. TD_Resume(); } } TD_Poll(); } } // Device request parser void SetupCommand(void) { void *dscr_ptr; DWORD i; switch(SETUPDAT[0] & SETUP_MASK) { case SETUP_STANDARD_REQUEST: //Standard Request switch(SETUPDAT[1]) { case SC_GET_DESCRIPTOR: // *** Get Descriptor if(DR_GetDescriptor()) switch(SETUPDAT[3]) { case GD_DEVICE: // Device SUDPTRH = MSB(pDeviceDscr); SUDPTRL = LSB(pDeviceDscr); break; case GD_CONFIGURATION: // Configuration if(dscr_ptr = (void *)EZUSB_GetConfigDscr(SETUPDAT[2])) { SUDPTRH = MSB(dscr_ptr); SUDPTRL = LSB(dscr_ptr); } else EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; case GD_STRING: // String if(dscr_ptr = (void *)EZUSB_GetStringDscr(SETUPDAT[2])) { // Workaround for rev D errata number 8 // If you're certain that you will never run on rev D, // you can just do this: // SUDPTRH = MSB(dscr_ptr); // SUDPTRL = LSB(dscr_ptr); STRINGDSCR *sdp; BYTE len; sdp = dscr_ptr; len = sdp->length; if (len > SETUPDAT[6]) len = SETUPDAT[6]; //limit to the requested length while (len) { for(i=0; i<min(len,64); i++) *(IN0BUF+i) = *((BYTE xdata *)sdp+i); //set length and arm Endpoint EZUSB_SET_EP_BYTES(IN0BUF_ID,min(len,64)); len -= min(len,64); // Wait for it to go out (Rev C and above) while(EP0CS & 0x04) ; } // Arm a 0 length packet just in case. There was some reflector traffic about // Apple hosts asking for too much data. This will keep them happy and will // not hurt valid hosts because the next SETUP will clear this. EZUSB_SET_EP_BYTES(IN0BUF_ID,0); // Clear the HS-nak bit EP0CS = bmHS; } else EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; default: // Invalid request EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 } break; case SC_GET_INTERFACE: // *** Get Interface DR_GetInterface(); break; case SC_SET_INTERFACE: // *** Set Interface DR_SetInterface(); break; case SC_SET_CONFIGURATION: // *** Set Configuration DR_SetConfiguration(); break; case SC_GET_CONFIGURATION: // *** Get Configuration DR_GetConfiguration(); break; case SC_GET_STATUS: // *** Get Status if(DR_GetStatus()) switch(SETUPDAT[0]) { case GS_DEVICE: // Device IN0BUF[0] = ((BYTE)Rwuen << 1) | (BYTE)Selfpwr; IN0BUF[1] = 0; EZUSB_SET_EP_BYTES(IN0BUF_ID,2); break; case GS_INTERFACE: // Interface IN0BUF[0] = 0; IN0BUF[1] = 0; EZUSB_SET_EP_BYTES(IN0BUF_ID,2); break; case GS_ENDPOINT: // End Point IN0BUF[0] = EPIO[EPID(SETUPDAT[4])].cntrl & bmEPSTALL; IN0BUF[1] = 0; EZUSB_SET_EP_BYTES(IN0BUF_ID,2); break; default: // Invalid Command EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 } break; case SC_CLEAR_FEATURE: // *** Clear Feature if(DR_ClearFeature()) switch(SETUPDAT[0]) { case FT_DEVICE: // Device if(SETUPDAT[2] == 1) Rwuen = FALSE; // Disable Remote Wakeup else EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; case FT_ENDPOINT: // End Point if(SETUPDAT[2] == 0) { EZUSB_UNSTALL_EP( EPID(SETUPDAT[4]) ); EZUSB_RESET_DATA_TOGGLE( SETUPDAT[4] ); } else EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; } break; case SC_SET_FEATURE: // *** Set Feature if(DR_SetFeature()) switch(SETUPDAT[0]) { case FT_DEVICE: // Device if(SETUPDAT[2] == 1) Rwuen = TRUE; // Enable Remote Wakeup else EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; case FT_ENDPOINT: // End Point if(SETUPDAT[2] == 0) EZUSB_STALL_EP( EPID(SETUPDAT[4]) ); else EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; } break; default: // *** Invalid Command EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 } break; case SETUP_VENDOR_REQUEST: //Vendor Request if(DR_VendorCmnd()) EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; case SETUP_CLASS_REQUEST: //Class Request if(DR_ClassRequest()) EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; default: //Reserved or illegal EZUSB_STALL_EP0(); // Stall End Point 0 break; } // Acknowledge handshake phase of device request // Required for rev C does not effect rev B EP0CS |= bmBIT1; } // Wake-up interrupt handler void resume_isr(void) interrupt WKUP_VECT { EZUSB_CLEAR_RSMIRQ(); }